We ship between Monday through Friday. If you purchased a shipping method with insurance coverage, please contact us at hairallyours@gmail.com and we can look further into your order. If your package lost in transit or not delivered for any reason and you do not have insurance, please contact FEDEX at +1 800 463 3339 and provide them with your tracking number.
We are not responsible for uninsured packages and not responsible for any carrier shipping disruptions that delay your delivery. If you desire to cancel your order due to a FEDEX shipping delay, you will be responsible for the shipping fees.
- Standard Express (6-8 days): Free. No insurance. Tracking included.
- Standard Express (6-8 days): $6.99. Insurance included. Tracking included.
- Fast Shipping (2-3 days): $29.99. No insurance. Tracking included.
- Fast Shipping (2-3 days): $39.99. Insurance included. Tracking included.
- International Priority (6-10 days): $49.99. No in surance. Tracking included.